Assessment Module for IMCA Course under SPU W.E.F - 2024-25

  • The IMCA Programme is carried out based on semester pattern with eight semesters in four academic years.

  • The assessment pattern for IMCA programme comprises a module of a final semester-end examination carried out by the Sankalchand Patel University and internal evaluation by the college as well.

  • All subjects having theory or theory and practical/tutorial have 60 marks of SPU's final theory exam (University Assessment), 40 marks of Continuous Assessment.

  • Constant analysis of assignment, seminars, quizzes, attendance, regularity and behaviour takes place by the concerned faculty who decides the scheme of assessment and announces at the beginning of the term.(semester)

  • Only practical subjects will have 25 marks of University exam and 25 marks of constants internal evaluation at the institute level.

  • The passing norm is minimum 40 % of marks in each individual head of University Assessment, continous Assement assessment for all the subjects.

  • There will be one mid semester exam in a semester. For University exam as well as remedial test. In case of failure to clear the remedial, student will have to appear in the regular semester test in the subsequent year.

  • Duration of the question paper is 2:30 hours.

  • After adding the internal marks with the marks secured by the student in the University examination, the marks will be converted to a letter grade as per the following:
    • 1. 90 - 100 marks - O grade
    • 2. 80 - 89.99 marks - A+ grade
    • 3. 70 - 79.99 marks - A grade
    • 4. 60 - 69.99 marks - B+ grade
    • 5. 50 - 59.99 marks - B grade
    • 6. 45 - 49.99 marks - C grade
    • 7. 40 - 44.99 marks - P grade
    • 7. 0 - 39.99 marks - F grade
    • 8. 0 - 0 marks - AB grade
